5 biggest gaps in customer service for midsize companies

This report provides insight into why leaders should take an omnichannel approach

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CX Network
CX Network

Keeping up with customer expectations can be tough. Midsize companies—with between 100 and 1,000 employees—grow their customer service teams faster and use more advanced tools than small businesses. But when it comes to customer service, there’s always room for improvement. Whether there’s an overflowing queue, a lack of accessible channels, or chaos when it comes to the flow of information, midsize businesses have their work cut out for them.

Based on a survey of customer experience leaders at midsize companies and analyzing how these businesses are using Zendesk, this report looks at what separates the top 10% of fastest growing midsize businesses from the rest, and how all midsize companies can take their service to the next level.

77% of CX leaders at midsize companies say they evaluate success based on providing multiple ways to contact customer service

The new Benchmark report dives into midsize companies using Zendesk and breaks down the 5 biggest gaps in CX today and the best practices, from the best performers, on how to close those gaps.

What will you learn from this 18 page report?

  • Relevant and resourceful data on current customer experience landscape
  • The top 5 current CX gaps most midsized companies face these days
  • How an omnichannel solution enables these businesses to elevate their customer service strategy to the next level
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