Humanising customer experience in a digital age

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Chanice Henry
Chanice Henry

Customer relationship management

Customer relationship management

Digital now stands as a keystone for meeting customer expectations as it is where many ‘wow’ moments take place in a customer journey. The high demand for digital customer experiences is illustrated by surging online sales and a growing reliance on smartphones.

As a result of this trend digital experience is beginning to become a practice in its own right. This was shown in recent research from CX Network with 48% of brands surveyed stating they have introduced a dedicated digital experience department or team.

Read More: Why X-Data is Key to Breaking Through in the Experience Economy

However, Michael Wolczyk, Head of Online Processes at Commerzbank warns that the most costly mistake businesses make with digital experiences is to be distracted by technology too much. At Qualtrics X4 London, Stan Sthanunathan from Unilever highlighted that companies which implement tech at scale are at risk of becoming disassociated from their customers. He urges them to remember that tech is no substitute for consumer intimacy when it comes to customer experience.

The most costly mistake businesses make with digital experiences is to be distracted by technology too much.

Businesses must not lose focus on the power human elements bring to influencing purchasing decisions, such as emotion and rapport, in brand interactions.

As computer power and capacities are growing and becoming more financially accessible, in this piece we examine how brands around the globe are using tech to keep hold of the human touch in the digital age. 

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