Customer Service Lessons From Twitter

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Social media giant launches ‘playbook’ to help brands provide better social care.

With a global shift to digital, customer service too has evolved with the times. Where just a few decades ago the norm was to call a business or send a letter for customer queries and support, this has now moved to email and social channels.

A new study by Social Bakers has found that in 2014, brands were asked nearly 22 million questions on Facebook and Twitter alone, showing the importance of investing in social care.

Yet, their analysis of nearly 66,000 brands also uncovered that just 4 per cent were socially devoted on Facebook and 3 per cent were socially devoted on Twitter.

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Clearly there is a large untapped market for companies to increase the social care they provide, and to ensure that the focus will be on Twitter as the customer service channel of the future, the social media giant has released a 122 page ‘playbook’ to help brands optimise their social customer service strategy.

The report covers, trends, opportunities, challenges, action-points and case studies from the likes of T-Mobile, Hilton and Best Buy; everything a company needs to be able to provide an excellent customer service on Twitters.

SEE ALSO: 5 Times Companies Won Twitter With a Fantastic Customer Service

In a blog post, Chris Moody, Vice President of Twitter Data Strategy, said: "The Twitter for Customer Service Playbook details everything from the high-level opportunity to the key steps and best practices in creating a world class social care organization.

"As we cover in the playbook, customer service on Twitter has many benefits, as well as some challenges. Users expect quick responses, personal and friendly interactions and timely resolutions."

Unless you’re in the 3 per cent of companies already socially devoted to Twitter, the playbook could be a helpful tool to optimise your strategy. You can download a copy (no registration required) here.