This is How Twitter Implements Customer Insights

UK and US research analysts from Twitter discuss the importance of customer insights on a global scale

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Senior research analyst for Twitter US, Ryan Huff, and Jessica Percival, research analyst for Twitter UK recently discussed the need for a global view on customers at CXN Live's Digital CX 2021.

With over 330 million active users and 500 million tweets a day, Twitter has access to instant unfiltered customer opinions and a constant flow of consumer data. With the formation of the Twitter Insiders group, the social media site aims to gain key user insights to continuously improve its offering.

Discovering global customer insights

The discussion at the live event saw the two research analysts explore the ways in which the business implements customer insights on global scale, and how companies can introduce these practices when building their own CX solutions.

These solutions include expanding customer data by introducing insight communities to mine customer data quickly and create a resource for consumer insights. The analysts also discuss understanding data in a global context by introducing language capabilities to gain insights from multiple markets.

They also discussed how brands can use empathy to develop brand experiences that are relevant to their audience, and how to gain useful, relevant and accurate insights by conducting research among diverse audiences.

To learn more from Twitter on how to make consumer insights accesible across all departments, watch the full discussion above.