Disconnect Between Customer and Employee Experience Uncovered
Add bookmarkYou may provide a great experience to your customers, but what about your employees?
As a global network for customer experience and marketing leaders, it's understandable that we tend to focus on how companies can improve and enhance the experience they provide their customers.
However, CX isn't the only important experience within a company's strategy to focus on. Another one to look at is that of the employees that form a vital part of creating that memorable experience to your customers.
After all, happy employees equal happy guests.
Yet a new study by the International Data Corporation (IDC) has found that while customer experience has been the most visible and important "experience" initiative to date - with 81 per cent of respondents using customer satisfaction surveys to measure the customer experience with their company - a majority of 69.4 per cent of organisations do not measure employee experiences at all.
For the IDC study, 799 senior executive-level decision makers in the United States were polled on their current and future technology, business plans, and perceptions related to the experiences being delivered.
The research rightly so highlights that training and hiring are critical to delivering excellent experiences across customer, employee, partner, and supplier.
Vanessa Thompson, research director, Enterprise Social Networks and Collaborative Technology at IDC, explained:
"The pressure to deliver differentiation as a means of competitive advantage is a critical driver for the changing nature of experiences across customers, partners, and suppliers.
"The ability to link customer experience, workforce, commerce, business networks, and innovation together in order to deliver a holistic view of digital and social transformation is at the epi center of the differentiation and can more appropriately be termed business modernization."