Top Tips to Ensure Digital Customer Experience Success in 2016
Add bookmarkAn ebook exploring where digital transformation sits within the business, the effects on customer experience and new and innovative ways to ensure CX remains the competitive differentiator in 2016.
Who should be pioneering the digital transformation is still up for debate. In some companies digital transformation is in the care of the CMO, while for others it falls in the responsibility of the CDO or the CIO. With all three verticals having their own benefits, it can be hard for companies to decipher the best strategy for taking their business to the next level. Knowing who should your digital transformation is the key to continually winning through customer experience.
As more companies embrace digital transformation it continues to move higher up on the customer experience agenda. To be successful in this digital world and ensure the customer remains at heart of everything that is done, there are certain principles that businesses should follow. But what rules are meant to broken and which should be followed closely?
In this eBook, CX Network speaks to digital leaders from Sky, Specsavers and Travelex to find out where digital transformation sits within their business, the effects on customer experience and new and innovative ways to ensure CX remains the competitive differentiator in 2016.
Download the ebook here.