7 Steps to a Successful Telecoms B2B CX Program
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So while telecom operators have been focused on CEM for B2C customers, the importance of the B2B customer in the CEM strategy appears to be coming under the spotlight more and more. But how do their needs differ from the B2C sector and what steps can carriers implement to design a B2B-specific customer-centric experience?
SEE ALSO: The Global State of Customer Experience
While some industry experts have asked if there is an overestimation in the differences in the customer experience required between B2C and the B2B customer base, both customers certainly expect to get more bang for their buck and little muddy water separates the two.
One point is that the B2B sector is likely to invest more in the services that a carrier is providing, than the independent customer. As one enterprise customer management expert explained, ‘when you get up to 300 customers plus, whether that’s wholesale or direct, at that point if you want the business you have to become more flexible.’ So doesn’t it make sense that this relationship is nourished to retain and optimize a profitable B2B customer base?
If you want to know the steps to a successful telecoms B2B customer experience program?