Rachelle Mirkin

Executive Director, Health Education, Engagement & Promotion Stanford Health Care

Rachelle A. Mirkin, is a senior management executive specializing in the healthcare industry. As the Stanford Health Care Executive Director of Health Education, Engagement, and Promotion she works to ensure patients and family caregivers have what they need to manage their health and healthcare. Rachelle’s professional interests include developing, implementing, and evaluating solutions to track, monitor and understand success criteria within and between organizations and populations with a specific interest on the impact of system changes on individuals’ and populations health and wellness. This expertise and passion has provided the opportunity to work within and across sectors including healthcare, real estate design and development, philanthropy, education, government and for-profit business entities. Twin boys occupy much of Rachelle’s personal time. You will often find her and her family hiking, biking, gardening and cooking together. In addition, she has committed time to serving on non-profit boards and local town commissions. Rachelle completed a bachelor’s degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at San Francisco State University followed by a master’s degree of public health at the George Washington University School of Medicine.

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