Main Conference Day 2 - Wednesday, 27 March 2024

8:00 am - 8:50 am Morning Refreshments & Registration

8:50 am - 8:55 am Welcome & Housekeeping Address

8:55 am - 9:00 am Opening Remarks by Chairperson

Neeta Lachmandas - Founder, Conscious Service

Neeta Lachmandas

Conscious Service

Customer's demand for phygital experiences continues to rise. The growing phygital experience is becoming a powerful force in delivering convenient and relevant experiences. The future is phygital, and it is up to brands to blur the line and provide great experiences.

The Rise of Phygital Experience

  • Discussing the role of innovative technologies in phygital experience success, including the use of augmented reality, virtual reality, and location-based services
  • Exploring different use cases for these technologies in enhancing phygital experience, such as in-store navigation and product visualisation
  • Considering the challenges of integrating these technologies into existing customer transformation strategies and how to overcome them

Katja Forbes

Head of Client Experience
Standard Chartered Bank


Rajesh Kumar

Chief Executive Officer – GCC &SEA
Ferns N Petals UAE


Guillermo Arbeiza

Chief Customer Officer


Vineet Sharma

Chief Operations Officer, Pizza Hut Asia Pacific
Pizza Hut

9:50 am - 10:20 am Industry Thought Leadership

10:20 am - 10:50 am Understanding the Importance of Streamlining O2O (Online-to-Offline) Strategies

Erwin Peter - Head of Customer Interaction and Services, Prudential
  • Discussing the importance of a seamless O2O strategy, including the benefits of providing a consistent engagement across multiple channels
  • Exploring different O2O approaches and tools, including CRM systems and marketing automation
  • Considering the challenges of implementing an O2O strategy and how to overcome them

Erwin Peter

Head of Customer Interaction and Services

10:50 am - 11:10 am Speed Networking Session

Join us in this Speed Networking Session where you will be able to meet other participants at the event! During this session, you will have the opportunity to engage with several leaders in a short amount of time and exchange business cards to take the conversation beyond the event.

11:10 am - 11:40 am Morning Break & Refreshments

Customer interactions is a vital aspect of any successful business. Customers expect instant and personalised responses as such businesses needs to adopt effective strategies to elevate engagement efforts.

Game Changing Innovation for Real-Time Customer Interactions

  • Discussing the importance of data-driven personalisation for delivering real-time customer interactions
  • Exploring different data sources and analytics techniques that can be used to personalise customer interactions
  • Considering the ethical implications of data-driven personalisation and how to balance personalisation with privacy concerns

Katja Forbes

Head of Client Experience
Standard Chartered Bank


Sok Hoon Koo

Marketing Communications Director, Asia
The Travel Corporation


Darko Popovic

Chief Operations Officer
Multitude Bank

12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Fireside Chat: Integrating Design Thinking and Human-Centered Design for Real-Time Customer Experience

Chirag Sukhadia - Chief Enterprise Data Analytics Officer, Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison
Sanchita Ray - Head of User and UX Research, Lazada
  • Discussing the role of design thinking and human-centered design in delivering game-changing innovation for real-time customer experience
  • Exploring different design techniques and tools, including customer journey mapping and user testing
  • Considering the importance of empathy and customer feedback in designing real-time customer experiences that truly meet customer needs and expectations

Chirag Sukhadia

Chief Enterprise Data Analytics Officer
Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison


Sanchita Ray

Head of User and UX Research

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch & Networking Break

2:00 pm - 3:40 pm Roundtable F: Using Customer Satisfaction and NP3.0 Tools Effectively

2:00 pm - 3:40 pm Roundtable G: Leveraging Voice and Conversational Tools

2:00 pm - 3:40 pm Roundtable H: Bringing Hyper-Personalisation to Life – How To?

2:00 pm - 3:40 pm Roundtable I: Persona Building: Targeting Customers and Segments with Precision

2:00 pm - 3:40 pm Roundtable J: Re-Designing the Customer Journey in a Dynamic Marketplace

Members of Generation Z have surpassed Baby Boomers in the workforce and are having a greater impact in the marketplace. Diversity is what the Gen Z will bring to the table and it’s crucial for businesses to discussions on marketing tactics, tech fluency, and Gen Z's role in customer transformation initiatives.

The Rise of Gen Z

3:40 pm - 4:10 pm Afternoon Break & Refreshments

4:10 pm - 4:40 pm Fireside Chat: Utilising Multiple Channels Effectively in Future Customers’ Outreach Across Generations

  • Exploring tailored approaches for reaching different age groups, considering the unique preferences and communication styles across generations
  • Discussing the potential of incorporating technologies across channels to captivate diverse audiences
  • Leveraging analytics to refine and optimise outreach strategies over time, ensuring continuous improvement and adaptation

4:40 pm - 5:30 pm Fireside Chat: Tailoring Marketing and Customer Strategies to Evolving Gen Z Customer Needs – Does Conscious Consumerism Take Centre-Stage?

Jackson Ng - Chief Operating Officer and Chief Technology Officer, Azimut Asset Management
Katja Forbes - Head of Client Experience, Standard Chartered Bank
  • Discussing the unique challenges and opportunities of marketing to Generation Z, including the importance of authenticity and social media
  • Exploring different marketing tactics and channels that resonate with Gen Z, including influencer marketing and user-generated content
  • Considering the importance of personalised and interactive experiences for engaging Gen Z customers

Jackson Ng

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Technology Officer
Azimut Asset Management


Katja Forbes

Head of Client Experience
Standard Chartered Bank

5:30 pm - 5:30 pm Chairperson’s Closing Remarks and End of Conference