Day Two - 20 June 2024

9:00 am - 9:30 am AEST How are you making your customer feel? Leveraging the strengths of frontline staff to ensure the customer is valued and heard

Jessica Standen - Head of Member Services, CBHS Health Fund Limited

As customer expectations evolve and new technologies emerge, businesses can integrate these changes into their support model to stay relevant but at the same time, not losing sight of creating empathy and putting the customer at the core of the business. This session will discuss:

·       The importance of empathy and the human touch

·       How to approach customer interactions in various contexts

·       How to support the frontline to have that kind of mindset and approach


Jessica Standen

Head of Member Services
CBHS Health Fund Limited

9:30 am - 10:00 am AEST Customer contact starts with data: Are we using the insights to the best of our ability?

The emphasis on data-driven insights to anticipate customer needs, providing relevant content, recommendations, and personalized offerings throughout the customer's journey is indeed widespread, and many organizations recognize the importance of leveraging data for this purpose. However, the effectiveness of data utilization can vary among different organizations. With that in mind this session will discuss some common challenges and considerations:

·       Assessing data quality: Who’s responsibility is this and what process are we using to collect robust data to ensure data accuracy and completeness?

·       Adopting integrated customer relationship management (CRM) systems and other tools that facilitate a unified view of customer interactions and break down silos

·       Implementing real-time analytics to enable you to respond quickly to customer interactions and changing patterns

·       Establishing a feedback loop and regularly reassessing data analysis

·       Maintaining consistent and accurate data across all channels is crucial for delivering a unified experience. Discrepancies in customer data can lead to misunderstandings and errors in interactions

10:00 am - 10:30 am AEST Omnichannel is Omnipresent in 2024!

Omnichannel strategies have become a pervasive and integral to the changing landscape of customer experience in 2024 representing a significant shift in how businesses approach customer interactions and meet evolving customer expectations. This widespread adoption reflects the recognition that providing a seamless, integrated, and consistent experience across various channels is essential for success in the contemporary business landscape. These channels may include physical stores, online platforms, mobile apps, social media, chat, email, and more.

·       Implementing an omnichannel strategy as standard to provide a consistent and unified experience across all channels, allowing customers to transition seamlessly between them without losing context

·       Dealing with key implications when integrating various channels, systems, and data sources to ensure that information flows smoothly between online and offline channels, as well as between different departments

·       Designing interfaces and interactions that work seamlessly on various devices and platforms to create a seamless, fluid, and integrated experience across all touchpoints – key learnings 

10:30 am - 11:00 am AEST CASE STUDY: Moving to more than 90% digital to create optimal channel management and better service design for effortless CX

Darko Popovic - Chief Operations Officer, Multitude Bank
  • Reasoning for moving to digital service and closing down contact centers
  • Have you considered your digital service strategy and how you are creating an effortless next-gen service approach
  • How are you planning to meet continued customer expectations and satisfaction?

Darko Popovic

Chief Operations Officer
Multitude Bank