Enhancing Customer Experience through Omnichannel
Integration, Customer Self Service and Employee Engagement 

July 12 - 14, 2022 | Free CX Network Online Event 

Dave Hoekstra

WFM and Product Evangelist Calabrio

When it comes to Contact Centers, Dave Hoekstra has seen it all. He started his journey in the 90’s as an agent and continued through every role a contact center has to offer, eventually finding his way into his current role of Evangelist. Being Calabrio’s Product Evangelist is by far the favorite of all his roles as it gives him the ability and pleasure of sharing his knowledge and experience with other folks in the industry. And yes, being a father, grandfather, bassist, podcast host and photographer (and Texan), he uses words like “folks”. Combining 20+ years of experience in the industry with the rest of his life experience, Dave has a unique perspective of the tools, technology and challenges faced by today’s modern CX organizations and he looks forward to each and every interaction.

Day Two: Wednesday 13th July 2022

10:00 AM Unlocking the Hidden Insights: What your customers are trying to tell you

Most contact centers try valiantly to understand their customers' voices. Surveys, anecdotes and reports only tell a part of the story. Only analytics and a little bit of elbow grease will really give the whole picture. Learn how organizations have unlocked insights that marketing departments, sales departments, and leaders only dreamed of seeing in the past by using intelligent analytics tools.  Questions like, "How many calls yesterday mentioned my competitors, and what was the revenue we lost?" are easier than ever to answer.