Zatina Zakaria

VP/Head of Customer Experience Maybank Ageas Holding Berhad/Etiqa Insurance & Takaful

Zatina has more than 20 years’ experience in Insurance industry for both Takaful and Conventional. Graduated from University Technology MARA Malaysia in Accountancy & Insurance. Certified as Six Sigma, Scrum Masters and LEAN Coach.

In her current role as Head of Customer Experience, Zatina is responsible in driving 4 Etiqa Insurance Companies on the overall customer experience strategies, customer-centric culture, managing customer journeys, customer obsessed and enabling self-service touch points and customer service centre whilst leveraging on digital and technology. Zatina has led many customer experience projects using LEAN methodology, SCRUM framework and Design Thinking concept.

She also as gave several talk to Universities Master Students on CX industry practice and Customer Experience conference local and international platforms on Journey Mapping and Customer Obsessed in UK, Brussels, Hong Kong, Hanoi and Singapore.

Her extensive exposure and experience enable her to receive a few Customer Experience International Awards including Best Customer Experience Personality during Customer Experience Asia Award 2018 and 2019. Recently Zatina received few International awards on Best Digital Experience, Best Engagement Team, Best Employee in Crisis and CX Professional Leaders of The Year 2021 in London.