Ashley Lickenbrock

CCXP, Experience Design Lead Bayer Crop Science Division

Ashley Lickenbrock has more than 15 years in customer experience strategy and research roles; driving organizations to more deeply understand customer, route-to-market partner and employee needs. As the CX Design Strategy Lead for Bayer Crop Science, she has contributed CX thought leadership across the organization and driven several successful customer-centric initiatives.

Agenda Day 2

9:00 AM Aligning Global Teams for Customer Success and Business Growth

Faced with multiple brands, numerous segments and a variety of go-to-market strategies, how do you gain a common understanding of the ideal customer experience across all functions? Learn how Bayer Crop Science tackled this issue using Customer Journey Mapping framework to align teams on prioritizing pain point remediation and accelerating touchpoint innovation for our colleagues in Mexico. You’ll hear about techniques we used such as reframing, insights analysis, team brainstorming, ease-to-impact prioritization and project plan development to create a path for customer and business success.