19 - 20 November, 2019
Shanghai, China

Media Center



第四届客户体验中国峰会将于2019年11月19日至20日在上海举行。2019年活动亮点:独家的案例研究, 包括京东,赛诺菲,阳光保险集团,GAP,大昌行集团等企业12个互动讨论小组,焦点主题包括“客户关怀管理”,“客户体验&营销”和“客户运营卓越”来自星巴克,大连万达集团,雀巢,BSH中国,携程,马士基中国等公司的30多位演讲嘉宾

Past Presentations│精彩演讲

Download the Presentation - Elevating Brand Experience to Attract and Retain Customers

Past presentation from Deputy General Manager, Head of Loyalty Customer Experience, Dalian Wanda Group请下载2018精彩演讲 - 来自大连万达集团副总经理、客户忠诚度体 验负责人-杨颖琳

Download the Presentation - Accelerating customer experience transforming across the organisation

Past presentation from Clement Yip, Partner, PwC Experience Centre – China & Hong Kong, PwC China请下载2018精彩演讲 - 来自普华永道中国体验中心合伙人Clement Yip

Download the Presentation - Becoming Your Customers’ Favorite Brand - The Power of Emotion

Past presentation from Vivien Deng, General Manager – China, Collinson请下载2018精彩演讲 - 来自Collinson中国区总经理Vivien Deng

请下载2018精彩演讲 - 成为您的顾客最喜爱的品牌: 情感的力量

Past presentation from Vivien Deng, General Manager – China, Collinson请下载2018精彩演讲 - 来自Collinson中国区总经理Vivien Deng

Download the past presentation from Jane Yan, Walmart - About the Customer

下载去年峰会精选演讲 - 关于中国客户那些事, 来自于沃尔玛中国跨境电商总经理Jane Yan

Download the Past Presentation from Mikkel Hansen, Customer Experience & Design Strategist - Co-Creating Customer Centric Innovation

下载去年峰会精选演讲 - 共同创造以客户为中心的新方法, 来自于客户体验&设计策略专家Mikkel Hansen

Featured Content │特别关注

Rear the Article - Filling in the blanks – Using data to differentiate your CX

There’s still a big gap between what companies actually know about their customers and what those customers expect them to know. Accordingly, the race to unlock a fuller, more holistic understanding of the customer is actually a race to fully leverage your own data before the competition unlocks theirs.

请阅读文章: 填补空白– 借助于数据,提供差异化客户体验


请阅读 - 2020年亚太地区客户体验管理市场报告

亚太地区的客户体验管理在过去几年中取得了很大进展,这种增长将持续下去。 在2020年亚太地区的报告中,我们将了解亚太地区的客户体验从业者如何应对其品牌所处的不断变化的环境。报告重点包括:行业运营最重要的战略投资重点CEM解决方案年度预算当前的挑战以及更多...

Read the 2020 Market Report - Customer Experience Management In Asia-Pacific

Customers in Asia-Pacific region have seen a lot of progression over the last few years and this growth is set to continue. In this APAC report, we look at how customer experience practitioners within APAC are responding to the evolving environment their brands exist in. Report highlights:Industries operationsTop strategic investment...

Read the article - Humanizing Customer Experience In A Digital Age

In this report we examine Humanizing CX. How businesses must not lose focus on the power of human elements to influence purchasing decisions but also how technology can aid the human input through tools such as empathy mapping and sentiment analysis. Download now to find out how you can create...

Read the Article - Implementing AI and RPA Technology to Improve Efficency and CX

Research from IBM suggests that an amount in the region of $1 trillion is spent on 265 billion customer service calls each year. Despite great technological strides and innovations being made in the contact centre industry, billions of these calls end in an unsatisfactory manner, with an estimated 50% of...

请阅读文章 - 通过人工智能和机器人流程自动化技术提高效率和改进客户体验


View 2017-2018 Attendee List - Customer Experience China Summit

Check out who attended in the past two years. 查看2017-2018峰会参会者。

Download the Article - Translating Brand Promise Into Customer Experience

Big brands need to “stand for something in consumer’s minds and hearts.”“If a good brand is a promise, then a great brand is a promise kept” - Muhtar Kent, Chairman of Coca-ColaThere is a pressure on big brands to fulfil their promises to consumers. How do they translate their brand...

Download the Article - Best In-Class: Building an effective customer experience framework

We talk with industry experts disrupting the CX space on how they are developing and executing their strategies. Download to find outHow do other execute their NPS or customer journey mapping? Why are customer KPIs a better method? And more!

下载 - 同类最佳: 构建有效的客户体验(CX)框架

您如何为客户体验构建有效的框架? 我们与行业专家进行了交谈,讨论了他们如何制定和执行战略的CX空间,并分析了:净推动系统(NPS)客户旅程映射关键绩效指标

请下载 - 第三届客户体验管理中国峰会官方会议手册


Download the Article - Three Ways to Deliver Great Customer Experience

Getting customer experience right can be exhausting. The market is fluid and ever-changing with customers being more demanding. But successful customer experience can lead to additional revenue as customers return and transition to brand advocates. Whilst there are many aspects to building fantastic customer experience, we’ve picked three key areas...

请下载阅读 - 3种提供卓越客 户体验的方法

提供让人满意的客户体验可能会让人筋疲力尽。市场瞬息变化,充满不确定性,客户的要 求越来越高。但是,随着客户再次光临并且转化成品牌拥护者,成功的客户体验可以带来 额外收入。虽然在构建绝佳客户体验方面有许多方法,但我们为您的战略选择了三个重要 投资领域以及一些实施的思路。

2017 Customer Experience Management China Summit Post Show Report

Download the 2017 Post Show Report to see who attended our summit last year, and how they were feeling about it.



Additional Resources Download│更多资源下载

2018 Sample Attendee List

See you who you could meet at the 3RD Annual Customer Experience China Summit!

Download the Article - NPS: How to Design a NPS System That Matches Your CX Strategy

Net Promoter Score survey has been enthusiastically utilised and analysed across a wide range of industries all over the world for approximately 15 years. The following advice outlines the key elements to consider when designing an NPS system that will help you gauge and then improve your level of consumer...

Download the Article - Rethinking Your Approach To Customer Experience

Rethink. Unify. Innovate. Deliver. These four core pillars of the Customer Experience Management integral to creating great customer experience. Ahead of China’s #1 customer experience event, we shall be exploring these four areas in a series of articles providing you with a taster of how to approach your customer experience programme.

Download the Article - CEM 101: How to make Customer Experience your Winning Edge in the China Market

Chinese customers are becoming increasingly demanding with respect to customer experience; however, consumer and retail companies are failing to keep pace with rising expectations. It is time for companies to invest in customer experience and enhance customer loyalty. Dowanload the article for more information.

Read the 4th Annual Customer Experience China Summit Full Agenda

The summit will be held on 19-20 November 2019 in Shanghai. 2019 Event features:Unbeatable case studies from – Didi Chuxing, JD.com, Sanofi,  Sunshine Insurance Group, GAP , Dah Chong Hong and more12 Interactive discussion groups ...